by sanatoga | May 12, 2020 | SWC News, Tips
CAN THE CORONA VIRUS BE TRANSMITTED THROUGH MY DRINKING WATER? Short answer, NO! To date, the virus that causes COVID-19 has not been detected in drinking water. Please read below based on the source of your home’s tap water: CITY WATER: Treatment techniques...
by sanatoga | Jan 24, 2020 | SWC News
New Year’s Resolutions get a bad rap. Why? Because they are normally promises that are either too hard to keep or the expectations are unrealistic. Let us suggest a resolution you CAN KEEP! Get cleaner, healthier water while saving money. Those are TWO realistic goals...
by sanatoga | Oct 25, 2019 | SWC News, Tips
October is the beginning of the holiday season starting with Halloween. Scary movies and costumes are in the forefront of everyone’s mind. However, people don’t want to hear that their water could be scary to drink and use for cleaning. Even the water quality...
by sanatoga | Oct 18, 2019 | SWC News, Tips
When you visit the doctor, do you expect that they are educated and licensed to medically treat what’s ailing you? When you have your car serviced or repaired, you assume the technician is trained in replacing your car’s brakes or fluids, so it is safe to drive,...
by sanatoga | Aug 22, 2019 | SWC News
Color is all around us. Rainbows. Art. Water? Yes, the water in a pool, lake and ocean is actually colorless but reflects color based on the environment around it and particles within it. So then what color is the water in your home or business? It may look colorless...
by sanatoga | Jul 19, 2019 | SWC News
With the recent voluntary recall of bottled water from popular grocery and big box stores including Whole Foods, Walmart and Target, we wanted to remind you that there are other, more confident and less expensive choices than bottled water when choosing quality water...