Is there ARSENIC in your well water?
Press Release from the Water Quality Association (April 23, 2013): “Eight percent of more than 5,000 wells tested across Pennsylvania contain groundwater with levels of arsenic at or above federal standards set for public drinking water, while an additional 12 percent...
Annual UV Bulb Replacement
Attention homeowners with Ultraviolet Sterilizer (UV) systems installed in their homes! Do you know that the bulb in your system requires ANNUAL REPLACEMENT? The bulb may remain lit for a longer period of time but the intensity decreases after one year. Additionally,...
Cleaning Contact Lens
If untreated or filtered tap water is unhealthy to consume, shouldn't people who wear contact lenses be concerned about the safety of using tap water when cleaning their lenses? Tap water is not sterile and can cause infections from pesticides and bacteria, like...
PA Governor Signs Bill to Reduce Lead in Drinking Water
Governor Tom Corbett Signs Bill Reducing Lead In Water Supplies - On June 12th, 2014, Governor Tom Corbett signed Senate Bill 1254 that will enhance the quality and safety of drinking water by significantly lowering the lead content in pipes and other plumbing...
Yet another PFC meeting was held June 28th at the Upper Moreland High School
IN THE WORDS OF JOHN THEISEN, OWNER SANATOGA WATER CONDITIONING: The law firm of Weitz and Luxenberg, and had Erin Brackovich skyped in for a brief time to answer some questions. The firm is considering a class action suit and wanted to inform residents of their...
Get Peace of Mind
Homeowners can be proactive about water quality concerns, for example the well water contamination from the Willow Grove Naval Air Station. There are solutions and testing available at reasonable prices. Municipal homeowners, do research to find out if there is a...
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